The CTEC 2018/2019 renewal registration cycle ends October 31, 2018. If you already completed the continuing education requirements (15 hours federal and five hours state), now is the time to renew.
To register online, click here.
To renew, you must have:
To renew online, all your education must have been electronically reported to CTEC by your education provider. If your education is not showing up, call your education provider(s) to upload the hours into the system. CTEC policy allows education providers 10 days from the date the course was completed to report hours earned so please plan ahead.
Important Update: CRTPs who do not update their bond information will automatically have their registration put ON HOLD. CRTPs showing expired or invalid bond information will receive an email from CTEC with a 30 days notice to update the bond. If no action is taken, the registration will no longer be valid.
late completed....want to register on line