As part of a new consumer-protection law, the council now has legislative authority to deny, revoke or suspend CTEC registrations from individuals who are guilty or accused of professional misconduct.
California Senate Bill 484 was signed into law by Governor Brown on October 8, 2013. It took effect on January 1, 2014.
You can also change education service providers. I have been using an education service provider for the past 4 years and have never had issues. If the education service provider is not submitting your hours to CTEC within the 10 day grace period I would definitely take my business elsewhere. IMHO.
the late registration fees are too high when it is not in your hands or when you try to register ahead of time and the third party company does not get your information into ctec on time. Really bad
Frank- Yes, CTEC understands it can be frustrating if you have to wait for the education provider to upload your hours before you can register, which is why CTEC now has a policy that requires education providers to upload your hours to CTEC within 10 days after completing the course. If you ever have issues with registering on time, feel free to call CTEC for help.